The average house price on GREEN HILL CLOSE is £198,493
The most expensive house in the street is 2 GREEN HILL CLOSE with an estimated value of £252,043
The cheapest house in the street is 5 GREEN HILL CLOSE with an estimated value of £124,340
The house which was most recently sold was 20 GREEN HILL CLOSE, this sold on 6 Sep 2019 for £157,500
The postcode for GREEN HILL CLOSE is LS12 3QQ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 GREEN HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £252,043 £50,500 17 Oct 1997
3 GREEN HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached , 85 m2 £173,503 £137,000 18 Dec 2017
4 GREEN HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached , 86 m2 £232,372 £128,000 1 Dec 2005
5 GREEN HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £124,340 £45,000 9 Aug 2002
7 GREEN HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached , 101 m2 £170,460 £126,000 27 May 2016
8 GREEN HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached , 87 m2 £196,064 £130,000 10 Oct 2014
9 GREEN HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £215,885 £132,500 2 Mar 2007
11 GREEN HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached £227,097 £144,995 8 Oct 2007
20 GREEN HILL CLOSE Semi-Detached , 97 m2 £194,677 £157,500 6 Sep 2019